Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Met a potentional financial advisor

During my lunch break at work I had the opportunity to talk to a investor planner guy, he had alot of great tips for me; he exclaimed, "what I'm about to tell you; people would pay thousands of dollars to hear. 10% of the world only figure this out."

Here are some random mental notes i took:

- Do what you love to do, if you are homeless you fail. if you are making millions of dollars a year and youre unhappy you fail as well.

- financially stable means supporting yourself and doing what you love to do when you want to do it. (if you love going to a coffee shop every so often to just read and chill, if you can randomly decide to travel; whatever your dream lifestyle is ... financially stable means that you have the ability to do what you love to do whenever)

- putting off 100$ a month starting in your 20s will make you a millionaire by age 65.

- figure out what your dream lifestyle is and estimate how much a month you have to be making to live that lifestyle.


My estimated dream lifestlye:

- Married to Isaac
- Traveling often for missionary trips
- Working For the Church and doing things for the Community
... hmm..im confused.

Study of Hosea

Chapter 1-2

Chapter 1 of Hosea God Commands Hosea to marry a Prostitute. This is to Show the picture of Israel committing adultery against God. The people of Israel were worshiping false Gods and the Prophet Hosea was used to show them their fault through this extreme act. Each of Hosea children are named shamefully that were given by God; names like Lo-Ruhama, meaning The Lord will have no more mercy on Israel. And Lo-Ammi, meaning you are not my people and I am not your God.

Chapter 2 Hosea's wife still plays the Harlot and wants to her mystery lovers for something she thinks will full fill her. She seeks love in all the worldly things and doesnt realize they feed her for a short time. But all along Her First husband had been rescuing her in her deepest troubles. Israel had done the same with the Idol Baal, seeking pleasure in him rather than God. They completely lost track and God was still watching out for them. The Lord knew that one day when they had nothing but the wilderness, because Baal had nothing to offer that He did, he would speak tenderly to them and bring them back into His arms. Showing mercy that is undescribable. A Harlot cheats on her husband time and time again, and yet after so much heartache Hosea takes her back, to show Israel the love of the true and living God.

Personal Notes: Ive read plenty of hate blogs against the book of Hosea; one that stood out to me most was said by a fellow blogger, "Just once, would it have killed God to send a prophet into town with a little flattering encouragement?" It made me wonder if this Blogger had even read the book, this prophet married a prostitute and showed amazing forgiveness to an unfaithful wife...thats actually great news to the people, God was willing to take them back, but He would let them fall into Baals un-promising lifestlye, one that would end in an empty wilderness. He let this happen so that they would have no one to turn to but God, and He would show them mercy they never deserved. This is awesome news for all of us. Even in everyday life, advice can be painful but greatly needed. God definatly does not intend to flatter our sin, but encourage us through His merciful Love.

dk and tea

dk and tea

Russian Ava

Russian Ava