Thursday, May 3, 2012

By the by...I am pregnant again. And to let you know I will be posting updates on my other blog called:Baby days   I have my first pregnancy info up there too. But for this time around I hope to be giving poor moms like me good advice on how to look cute on a budget. Also diet info...because I struggled with that my first time around. here I am pre-pregnancy! 

Vintage to Modern

 Steps 1, 2, 3:

I have been lately obsessed with 18th century theme for my house, but at the same time; its over-whelming. Its so easy to see that white is an instant Modernizer. I love how the frames are all from different places and have different designs, but come together with a coat of white paint.

For the easiest and best finish, use KILZ primer first, and after that is finished drying, coat whatever color you desire. I chose the White Satin from Valspar because it has such a smooth finish.

dk and tea

dk and tea

Russian Ava

Russian Ava